August 28, 2009
Re: Correctional Officer Robert McGowan
To The Honorable Judge Otis D. Wright II or whom this may concern,:
I first met Correctional Officer Robert McGowan in May of 2005 when I first transferred from California State Prison Los Angeles County as an Apprentice, to the Chino Institution for Men in Chino California. Officer McGowan’s duties as a Senior Officer entailed him to train Apprentice Officers to provide the public protection by enforcing State and Federal laws and administrative regulations while supervising the conduct of inmates or parolees of a State correctional facility.
I have gotten to know Officer McGowan so well over the years; I believe it puts me in a position to provide you with an accurate assessment of his character. Officer McGowan is loyal, honest, and considerate and a supportive individual whom is also a responsible loving father.
As an employee Officer McGowan is hard working, highly committed, outgoing and always willing to help someone out. I really can’t think of anything of consequence on the negative side of personality ledger when it comes to Officer McGowan. All in all I would have to say that Officer McGowan is a fine, well-balanced person with an abundance of positive qualities, whom I would highly recommend for any position or endeavor that he may seek to pursue.
Now being that Officer McGowan is being falsely accused of assault and battery I feel that prison time will not help Officer McGowan in the least bit. Taking away Officer McGowan’s freedom now, at this point in his life, being that he has now been falsely accused; it would destroy his progress, his life and his family. It is to my understanding that prison terms are laid down to those that either lead a criminal life style and or those that show that extreme rehabilitation is needed. Placing Officer in such an environment of negative influences will just keep him further away from continuing the positive growth in his life. That is why I feel that it would be in Officer McGowan’s best interest to stay out of prison. It is in the interest of the accused to serve a punishment that will not affect her path to success. Robert’s character is of a dignified, trustworthy and respectable man. I ask that you give this respectable man a chance to clear his name, and not change the direction of Robert’s life based on hearsay and false accusations.
Correctional Officer Robert McGowan is a valuable asset to The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, California Institution for Men at Chino, as well as his family.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Jose L. Magallon
Correctional Officer
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