Jul 19th, 2010 By pacovilla
Following is an open letter received from Mrs. Marta Marquez, mother-in-law of Robert McGowan. Intended primarily for those unfamiliar with the circumstances, Mrs. Marquez’ letter echoes the frustration of a family torn apart by an opportunistic FBI and Office of US Attorney. Please read it and share it with your friends and family. On the subject of assisting the McGowan Family, Paco would like to thank those of you who pitched in an sent a few ducats via the PayPAL account. However, it’s going to take more than a handful of small donations to keep the family afloat. Surely, even in these uncertain times, we can all afford to send 5 bucks a month!? If cannot spare a $20, a 5 or 10 will do.If you cannot spare the 5 or 10, God Bless you.
Free Robert McGowan
An Open Letter from Mother-in-law of CA State Peace Officer
Dear Friends:
As the political winds blow so goes Judge Otis Wright! If he doesn’t play the game he will be relegated to preside over court TV, federal style. Principles are not an issue here, only political ambition, greed and corruption. The Justice Department whose sole manifesto is to seek out our U.S. Peace Officers, accuse them of malfeasance then persecute, prosecute and eviscerate. Win at all cost! Guilty! Lie, threaten, coerce in order to justify the department’s existence and political gain.
California Correctional Officer Robert McGowan, after an exemplary, eleven year career, was sentenced to four years in federal prison based on the words of inmates—One of who admitted in court to giving false testimony in the past for a deal with prosecutors! Presiding Judge Otis Wright (who is WRONG) took the inmate at his word, concluding Robert lost control, intentionally allowing an inmate to fall to the ground and skin his knees! 4 years in prison for (allegedly) skinned knees! Another inmate said that they were both beaten within an inch of their lives by 20 or 30 officers! A bruise was in evidence on his chin and one on his forehead but not until much later. The Judge, to pound in the final nail, stated Robert belonged to a neo-Nazi skinhead, white supremacist motorcycle gang, and thus concluding Rob was both a drug dealer and an addict! As Robert McGowan’s mother-in-law, you’d think his alleged racism would have been obvious to me, his wife (my daughter) and all the other Mexican-Americans in his extended family. Before meeting Robert, my daughter wouldn’t even date boys who smoked cigarettes–I wonder why she never noticed his drug dealing and addiction! No, the US Attorney created that Robert McGowan out of whole cloth—they needed to create a monster capable of committing the created offenses because the real Robert and the whole trumped-up case don’t mesh. Neither the FBI, US Attorney nor the judge ever questioned Robert’s neighbors, friends, relatives or co-workers. Never was he investigated or placed on suspension for drug use or supposedly dealing drugs within prison walls.
He and his family live in a nice middle-class neighborhood. I wonder if they (the Feds) think we are all in that imaginary, nefarious gang? When Robert and Lorraine first met 19 years ago, they both worked for a K-9 security firm, scoping one another out while training their dogs. Both were interested in careers in law-enforcement. They soon married and gave up their dogs for babies. The kids are now 11 and 4 years old. Home schooled, the boy is a straight-A student, even now on his way to college–The 4 year old is very close behind. With coaching soccer, baseball and T-ball, games twice a week and home schooling, their can be no time for gang activities. The children spend much time learning from and emulating both parents. But, like anyone else, they need their father. Its bad enough Robert is being punished for nothing; must his children be punished as well?
Speaking for Robert McGowan’s family, friends and neighbors, we are truly horrified this happened in this country…Our country! This isn’t supposed to happen in America. Neither the investigators, prosecutors or Judge Wright ever heard from any of these good people regarding Robert’s character, whom he is and what he stands for. Never was he allowed, during the trial, hearings or appeals, which have been ongoing for the last 8 years, a single character witness or allowed witnesses for the defense! Yet, the two key witnesses for the prosecution were known perjurers.
Here is the clincher folks, the federal government, FBI and federal prosecutors across the country openly contend “There is no freestanding constitutional RIGHT, NOT to be framed.” Simply put, you can’t sue them if they frame you. . .
This is the state of our country and I am ashamed to be one of many who have allowed this to happen. I am asking, begging, for help for this family, my family. I am the grandmother and mother who love them. Please add your name so our voices will be heard! Please go to www.pacovilla.com and select the “McGowan Family Fund” tab on the front page for links to help Raine and the kids. Also, search the site using the keyword “McGowan” for more information about the case and those who support Robert and our family. We need everyone to post a comment or blog on their own for him. As the political winds blow, so goes the FBI, DOJ and Judge Otis Wright!
As a result, freedom has been blown off course—Robert has been cast away. Like a hurricane, political ambition, greed and corruption have devastated the lives of the innocent in their path. But, with a little help from our friends, all of their prayers and our collective and unwavering faith, “Justice Will Prevail.”
Free Robert McGowan
Sincerely, M. Marquez
Make your voices heard- Silence DOES kill!
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