Monday, July 27, 2009

Help A Brother, help YOU

Can you believe the sh_t that they're trying to do?!? Why is it harder to prove that you're a good cop but easier to believe an inmate that has violated OTHER people's Civil Rights? Including OURS?!? Whatever happend to common sense? What ever happened to just plain right and wrong? With a guilty verdict that was beyond belief, and then the full aquittal 40 days later, my family, myself and partners, were FINALLY gettting back to a life of normalcy. Almost 2 yrs. later, BAM! I'm fighting for my freedom once again! Caught between the pissing contest of the 9th circuit court of appeals and my judge, who has been on the bench since 1966, (FIVE of 8 decisions from my judge, Real, that went to the 9th district court LAST year, were overturned by these feuding appellate judges) I'm in the middle, bouncing back and forth like a fricken hot potatoe! Justice is NOT served just because you don't like a particular judge for his attitude and demeanor. I'm not getting caught in the middle of their pissing match! With 11 and a half years on the job, countless use of force incendents and countless use of force accusations, I have a clean record. No ECRs, no LOIs, no LORs or suspensions. I do my job so everyone I work with, can go home at night safe and in one piece. Can a brother get some support?!?


  1. Mac I stand behind you 150%. I will e working on a letter and emailing it to you and your wife. I can't believe all the B/S that has gone on. Wow Mac, I don't even know what to say. Olson/Curry

  2. Brother, I'll give you all the support I can. You are and will always be my broter. Remember, We are all are brother's keeper's. We better all step up here and do what we can. Mac, make sure you have Sitting Bull tell us when the important dates are.



We are hoping that all of you out there will COMMENT and FOLLOW to show your support for this travesty of INJUSTICE, not only to a Peace Officer, but to innocent people across this nation.

Trying to Screw Me

Trying to Screw Me
Dont LetEm Screw YOU